2 Years Old Operculicarya Decaryi Mame Bonsai
This Operculicarya Decaryi Bonsai is getting developed in Literaty Style. It comes along with a ceramic pot.
2 in stock
Location: Operculicarya Decaryi plant is suitable only for outdoors placed in full sunlight area.
Watering: Operculicarya Decaryi is soft wood plant and needs less watering. Plant can be watered once daily when placed outdoors or when the soil appears to be dry.
Pruning: Prune timely to maintain the shape of the plant. Hard pruning is preferred only in summers.
Repotting: Repotting should be done when roots cover the whole pot or once in 1 to 2 years. A mixture of sand, soil, lava granules, coco husk and bio compost is always good.
Fertilizing: It can be fertilized with NPK 19 19 19 or 20 20 20 fertilizer once in a month. Avoid fertilizing during dormancy (Nov to Feb).
Weight | 0.400 kg |
Dimensions | 3 × 4 × 5 in |
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